Granblue Fantasy: Relink – Official Cinematic Launch Trailer
A grand adventure in the skies awaits—take a final look at Cygames' upcoming action RPG, Granblue Fantasy: Relink, launching Feb 1, 2024!
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22 MORE Things You STILL Didn't Know In Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom
In the video above, we cover 22 facts, tips and tricks that aren’t quite as well known, ranging from secrets to glitches, so me that are pretty simple and others that are fairly complex. The recently released Legend...
5 Reasons To Play Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth
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Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League | Live Action Spot ft. Will Arnett &...
What’s the plan of attack? Kill the Justice League. Team up with Will Arnett, Ron Funches, and Director Jodi Hill and take on the impossible.
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AWP: From 3 Men in A Shed to Counter-Strike’s Iconic Sniper Rifle | Loadout
Whether known as the Green Meanie, the Magnum Sniper or the AWP, Accuracy International’s Arctic Warfare is one of gaming’s most iconic sniper rifles, with its identity tied to one of the biggest FPS franchises of all time,...
Palworld – 14 More Things I Wish I Knew
In the many hours we’ve spent with the game, we’ve uncovered a bunch of useful knowledge that, frankly, Palworld could do a better job of explaining. Hopefully when the game exits early access, a lot of this will...
Firearms Expert Reacts To Fortnite's Guns
Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down weapons from the world's biggest battle royale: Fortnite, including the SCAR/ Striker AR, Frenzy Auto Shotgun, Thunder Burst SMG, Ballistic Shield,...
Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Money Guide
Need cash now in the latest Like a Dragon game? We’re gonna break it all down so whether you just want a little bonus money or looking to grind for that Infinite Wealth, we got you covered.
What the Hell is Going on With Palworld? | Spot On
Palworld has taken the world and the internet by storm. As of writing, it’s cleared over 7 million copies sold on Steam alone, has the second most concurrent players of all time, and is lighting up Twitter feeds...
Palworld – Best Pals For Base Automation
Put those tools down! We've crafted a guide on how to automate your base in Palworld and what Pals are best for the job.
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