Thursday, September 19, 2024



Let's Play Resident Evil: Revelations Part 2 – Resident Kinevil

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Top New Games Releases On Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, And PC This Week...

November is jam-packed with games, and this episode of New Releases is the most stacked one yet. There are big-name sequels like Hitman 2, reimagined classics like Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, and a different approach to...

SNK 40th Anniversary Collection – Announcement Trailer

A collection of SNK's earliest hits is coming to Nintendo Switch courtesy of Digital Eclipse. Read More

AHS: Everything We Know About Misty Day

American Horror Story's Misty Day is back from the dead once again as the Coven witches try to stop Michael Langdon and the Apocalypse. Here's a quick recap on everything we learned about Misty from Season 3. Read...

AHS: Apocalypse Season 8 Episode 6 "Return to Murder House" Breakdown!

Madison Montgomery and Behold Chablis seek information about Michael Langdon's past from the spirits trapped in the Murder House. Ryan and Greg break down Episode 6 "Return to Murder House" of American Horror Story: Apocalypse. Read More

Everything We Learned From Ant-Man And The Wasp's Special Features

Marvel's Ant-Man And The Wasp is out on digital launch now and coming to blu-ray October 16! We picked out probably the most attention-grabbing and insightful issues we realized from director Peyton Reed's commentary. Read More

Okami vs. Zelda: Twilight Princess | Versus

With Okami launching on Nintendo Switch, we thought we'd square Capcom's classic against another lupine adventure, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Read More