Thursday, September 19, 2024



Apex Season 4 – Everything You Need To Know In Under 5 min

Apex Legends Season 4: Assimilation is finally here, and the new season drops a bunch of content and new changes into Respawn's battle royale. If you need a refresher on everything that has changed ahead of Season 4,...

22 Minutes Of Warcraft 3: Reforged Gameplay

In this video, we see Warcraft 3: Reforged's opening cinematic, the Orc tutorial mission, and Thrall's rescue of Grom Hellscream. Warcraft 3: Reforged is a remake of the 2002 classic with new visuals, rebalanced gameplay and a...

Star Trek: Picard Episode 1 "Remembrance" Breakdown & Easter Eggs

Warning: SPOILERS! In Episode 1 of Star Trek: Picard, we are reunited with Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) 14 years after his retirement from Starfleet. He is living a peaceful life at his family vineyard, Chateau Picard, in France...

How the World of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Replicates the Show

(Presented by Bandai Namco) From its nostalgic collectibles to hidden bosses from the past, find out how Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot aims to bring the world of the show to life! Also, look up the pronunciation of...

How Games Are Lying To Us About Silencers – Loadout

Whether it's protruding from the barrel of James Bond's Walther PPK in GoldenEye 007 or being gently screwed on to Snake's SOCOM in Metal Gear Solid, video games and movies love to use the suppressor. But did...

How Control's Most Ambitious Level Was Created | Audio Logs

Control director Mikael Kasurinen describes where the idea for The Ashtray Maze came from, and how the team at Remedy implemented something so ambitious and unique. Read More

The 17 Biggest Movies To Watch In 2020

From Black Widow to Sonic The Hedgehog to Wonder Woman 1984, here are 17 of the biggest movies to watch in 2020. Read More

Beat Saber: A Cut Above the Rest

After decades of being just around the corner, VR is finally here, and Beat Saber on Oculus Quest shows us what the incredible future of gaming will look and feel like. Read More

Next-Gen PS5 And Xbox Series X Games Debut At The Game Awards 2019 –...

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The Mandalorian Episode 5 – All The Star Wars Easter Eggs in Chapter 5...

Episode 5 of The Mandalorian brings us back to the sands of Tatooine. Going back to Luke Skywalker’s home planet of Tatooine, first seen in A New Hope, means there are bound to be a few familiar Star...