Thursday, September 19, 2024



The Division 2: Descent Mode Free Update Trailer

Descent is a free, 1-to-4 player game mode with semi-infinite and randomized progression, versus an infinite difficulty curve, available to all players. Including competitive leaderboards, unique rewards and new build rules that are unavailble in the standard game. Take...

The Division Heartland: Cinematic Intro Trailer

Watch the world premiere of the Cinematic Intro to Tom Clancy’s The Division® Heartland. Dive into the story as Mackenzie Reed tries to track down her former commander... the trail leading her to the once...

The Division Heartland: Developer Deep Dive Trailer

Sign up for a chance to participate in the upcoming Tom Clancy’s The Division® Heartland PC Closed Beta at! Join members of the Red Storm team as they discussIn early details on gameplay, classes, playstyles...

Dead Island 2 – 17 Things I Wish I Knew

Dead Island 2 is a fun sandbox with a litany of inventive ways to slice and dice up its zombie horde. Here are all the things we wish we knew before playing, including what skill cards to...

Street Fighter 6 – World Tour Gameplay & Avatar Battle Trailer

Bring your customized avatar from World Tour into the Battle Hub for the chaos that is Avatar Battles. Fight other players online using your avatar's customized moveset and appearance where the limits to each battle are your...

Itorah – Launch Trailer

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Firearms Expert Reacts To Dead Island 2’s Guns

Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down more of the weaponry of Dead Island 2, including the acid-bullet firing rifle, a flame-bullet firing machine pistol and a range...

Warframe | The Duviri Paradox – Visions of Duviri Official Trailer – Coming April...

Depending on the mood of its ruler, Dominus Thrax, the color-shifting world of Duviri will appear differently – painting the swirling skies a poisonous green shade for Envy, or unleashing a wrathful red firestorm in Anger. As The...

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Everything To Know

It’s been over 3 years since the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and even more time has passed in the story between it and its sequel Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Here’s everything you need to know...

Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker – Season Pass 6 Trailer

Experience the mighty power of Minato Namikaze (Reanimation) along with 2 other special guests ready to take on any opponent. Read More