Thursday, September 19, 2024

Gaming News

Rainbow Six Siege's New Operators Leaked Ahead Of Wind Bastion Reveal

Rainbow Six Siege's new season, Wind Bastion, is scheduled to be revealed soon, but the update's new Operators...

PUBG Announced For PS4, Release Date Confirmed

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Stan Lee: Tributes Pour In For The Marvel Comics Legend

Tributes have been coming in for Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee, who has died at the age of 95. Lee passed away today, November 12, and notable figures from the worlds of movies, TV, and comic books have...

Black Friday 2018 Deals: Retail Stores Early Openings And Closing Times

On Friday, November 23, American retailers will be offering up deep discounts on its items for the day-after-Thanksgiving...

Xbox Game Pass Adding PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds And 15 More Titles

Microsoft has big plans for Xbox Game Pass over the coming months. At its X018 conference, the company...

Xbox One X Black Friday 2018 Discount Knocks Off $100

Microsoft has detailed a number of Black Friday 2018 discounts, giving people the opportunity to pick up its...

Xbox Acquires Wasteland, Bard's Tale Studio InXile Entertainment

Microsoft is set to add another developer to its growing list of first-party studios. At X018, a celebratory...

Xbox Acquires Fallout: New Vegas, Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic Developer

Microsoft has announced it will acquire Obsidian Entertainment, developer of role-playing games including Star Wars: Knights of the...

Shadow Of The Tomb Raider Forge DLC Trailer Shows Off New Co-op And Score...

During Microsoft's XO18 livestream, the developers behind Shadow of the Tomb Raider revealed more info about the upcoming...

X018 Roundup: Crackdown 3 Release Date, Xbox One X Discount, New Game Pass Titles,...

Microsoft held a special event in Mexico City to promote all the happenings surrounding Xbox One, titled X018....