Thursday, February 6, 2025

Gamers Room

Rumor: Red Dead Redemption II Companion App Points To Potential PC Release

According to a report by RockstarIntel, certain files hidden inside Red Dead Redemption II's mobile companion app suggest the title could be heading to PC in the future. RockstarIntel's article lists tons of parameters that suggest this rumor, such...

NYCC 2018: Photos From Bioworld Booth

While navigating around the New York Comic Con Exhibitor floor, we came across an apparel/accessory designer named Bioworld that was selling some very cool licensed Star Wars merchandise to go along with a sweet booth display setup. Their...

Report: Microsoft Is Prototyping Controllers For Phones And Tablets

According to a report from Windows Central, Microsoft is currently prototyping mobile-friendly controllers to make gaming on phones and tablets easier. Third party options and phone mounts already exist to bring ease to mobile gaming with better controls than built-in touch...

Paris Games Week Livestream Shows Off Anthem's First Mission

A livestream out of Paris Games Week shows off some new gameplay for BioWare's upcoming action game Anthem. The video features ultimate abilities for both Storm and Interceptor Javelins, the search mechanic, loot, and the Javelin progression system. The video also...

Reader Discussion: Is Red Dead Redemption II's Realism Bothersome Or Effective?

Red Dead Redemption II is finally here, and it doesn't disappoint. With many critics saying it has some of the best open-world design of this generation, this Rockstar title manages to breathe life into a very believable world. However,...

Fortnitemares Has Begun

Fortnite's Fortnitemares promotion has...

NieR: Automata's 2B Is Coming To Soulcalibur VI

Bandai Namco has announced that everyone's favorite android who kills lots of other robots but ends feeling kind of bad about it, 2B, is coming to their weapons-based fighter. The company dropped a trailer featuring NieR: Automata's 2B (a...

What To Watch This Weekend: Black Ops 4, StarCraft II, And Games Done Quick...

Everyone in the general gaming world may be playing/talking about Red Dead in some way or another, but esports chugs along unabated. Check out some major events for mainstays and newcomers alike this weekend. As part of this year's...