
That cliff though…

Yesterday’s new Rage 2 trailer, titled “Everything vs. Me,” was as funny as it was informative about id Software and Avalanche’s upcoming first-person shooter sequel (it’s out May 14). There’s plenty to be learned from the trailer, too, so we stole some detailed notes from id Software (and by that we mean, we kindly asked for more information and they graciously provided it!) and put all of the information together in the breakdown trailer above.

Check it out, and since Rage 2 happens to be our IGN First game for April, that means we’re spotlighting it all month long. Take a look below for the new 11-minute gameplay video we exclusively debuted earlier this week. It shows off a boss fight, an open-world activity, vehicle combat, the new Grav-Dart Launcher weapon, and the coup de grace, the introduction of Doom’s legendary BFG 9000 into Rage 2. Check it out if you missed it, and stay tuned for plenty more Rage 2 on IGN!

Ryan McCaffrey is IGN’s Executive Editor of Previews. Follow him on Twitter at @DMC_Ryan, catch him on Unlocked, and drop-ship him Taylor Ham sandwiches from New Jersey whenever possible.

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