It’s been nearly a week since Rockstar rolled out the grass carpet for Red Dead Online, and while many people have been saddling up with friends, there have been a few issues with the Western masterpiece’s online component.

Today, Rockstar outlined the first round of fixes in response to player feedback, and prime on the to-do list is a rebalancing of the in-game economy, followed by the elimination of a few bugs that were causing players to be kicked from the server. Currently, the updates are slated to come by the end of the week. In the announcement, Rockstar promises there will be more to come.

For players who wish to give their feedback, they can go here. For our take on the online posse experience, check out this video, or giddy on up over to our news hub where you can read our review and stay updated on how the online portion of Rockstar’s cowboy magnum opus is shaping up.

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