Thursday, September 19, 2024



American Horror Story: The Best of John Carroll Lynch

Greg breaks down every role John Carroll Lynch has played throughout American Horror Story, and decides which performance is the best! Read More

COD: Modern Warfare Beta – Clutch Plays in Gunfight OSP

During the Beta, Call of Duty:Modern Warfare gave us access to many of their game modes, including Gunfight OSP! On-site procurement adds a whole new level to meta of this 2v2 mode and here are some of...

All Piece Of Heart Locations – Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo Switch)

Wondering where to find all the heart pieces in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening on Nintendo Switch, or is there a specific one which eludes you? Either way, we've got your covered in this guide! Read More...

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Gameplay: Ifrit Summon, Tifa And Aerith Combat Demo | TGS...

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AHS: Asylum Season 2 Episode 13 Season Finale Breakdown!

"Madness Ends" wraps up American Horror Story's incredible season of Asylum. Ryan and Greg return to to Briarcliff for one last time! Read More

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse – Easter Eggs, References & End Credits Scene Explained!

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse was full of easter eggs and references to previous Spider-Man comics and movies and other pop culture references. Mike and Meg break down the best easter eggs and the post-credits scene from the...

Destiny 2: Black Armory Gofannon Forge Completion

We finally made our way to Nessus and completed the second forge Gofannon in Destiny 2's latest seasonal update Black Armory. Read More

Fortnite – Season 7 Trailer

Fortnite gets festive in this trailer for Season 7! Read More

Netflix For December 2018 – Best New Movies And TV Shows To Watch!

Tis the season to stay inside and binge on some streaming movies and shows. Netflix has tons of new offerings coming in December to keep you busy and warm as you wrap your holiday gifts and drink your...

Finding The Perfect Horse In Red Dead Redemption 2 – Dirty Arty: Chapter 4

Dirty Arty is in the market for a new steed! With his new toys in hand, he ventures into the wilderness to see what he can find. Read More