Saturday, September 7, 2024



Atomic Heart – Annihilation Instinct Launch Trailer

Atomic Heart's Annihilation Instinct DLC is now available! Take advantage of your new Technostatis to get rid of the new ruthless enemies and find a way to regain control of the complex. Read More

Dead by Daylight Artists From The Fog Collection Trailer

The talent is to die for. Explore the Artists in The Fog Collection, featuring Very Rare Outfits brought to life (and death) by artists around the world: RainyRivulet, JayArtist, ManuelOjea, and Hunnybear. Read More

Black Desert Explore the Sea Palace Trailer

Dive into Black Desert's newest Summer Event Location, the Sea Palace. Turts is waiting to give you a Tour around the palace and explain everything you need to know! Read More

Dead by Daylight Alien Official Teaser Trailer

The suffocating silence of outer space pushes resolve beyond its limits. Dead by Daylight: Alien. Coming soon. Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a...

Baldur’s Gate 1 + 2 Recap (Updated)

Before the upcoming release of Baldur’s Gate 3 on August 3rd, 2023, check out this quick recap of the previous games, Baldur’s Gate 1 and Baldur’s Gate 2. We go over the main story beats you need to...

HAWKED Deep Dive

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How to Destroy: Geralt of Rivia

Welcome to our brand new series: How to Destroy! This week we're targeting Geralt of Rivia with three unique strategies to remove him as a threat. Let us know how you would improve and tweak our approach,...

Apex Legends: Resurrection Season Launch Trailer | Kill Code – Part 2

Crypto hacks into a discarded fragment of Revenant to investigate some disturbing changes. Revenant is losing control of himself – but to who? Check out the new launch trailer for the upcoming Resurrection Season. Read More

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC 3 Reveal Trailer

Rayman is back! And he is the special guest in a new mysterious dimension: the Phantom's Opera network studio. You read it right! The Phantom, the charismatic ghostly boss of Mario + Rabbids® Kingdom Battle, is also...

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II & Warzone Season 05 BlackCell Trailer

Check out the Season 05 BlackCell trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II & Warzone. The new Operator ‘Arthur’ headlines this season’s premier Battle Pass upgrade featuring the new Dog Finishing Move, an interactive talking...