Jedi Business Talk Episode 10: The Hasbro Interview From SWCC 2019
Here is the interview with Hasbro team members Patrick Schneider and Sam Smith from Star Wars Celebration Chicago 2019 followed by a short interview with Disney representative Devon from the Galaxy’s Edge booth.
Contact Information: Website | iTunes...
Jedi Business Talk Episode 11: At The Bar With Tom Berges Talking About SWCC...
This episode was recorded at the Weber Grill bar in downtown Chicago 2019 during Star Wars Celebration. Listen to Tom Berges and Criz Bee talk about their experience while half-way through Star Wars Celebration.
Contact Information: Website | iTunes...
The Soundtrack Show #48: Rocky IV and Transformers: an Interview with Composer Vince DiCola...
In our interview with Vince DiCola, we learn about how he became the composer for Rocky IV. We explore his musical background as a drummer and keyboardist, how he was influenced by progressive rock, and we discuss his...
Fortnite: Where To Search Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces (Week 8 Challenge Guide)
Week 8 of Fortnite Season 8 is upon us, and it's brought a new set of challenges to...
Fortnite Week 8 Secret Banner Location Guide (Season 8 Discovery Challenge)
Week 8 of Fortnite Season 8 has arrived, which means there's a new set of challenges to complete...
Final X-Men: Dark Phoenix Trailer Delivers Evil From Space
Following Disney's recent purchase of Fox's entertainment assets, the future of the X-Men on the big screen remains...
Pre-Orders For Xbox One S All-Digital Edition Available Now (US, UK)
News of an all-digital Xbox One S leaked earlier this month, and Microsoft officially unveiled the new console...
Coffee With Kenobi #273: Celebration Chicago Day Four
Day four of Star Wars Celebration Chicago coverage is here! Catch up with Dan Z, Cory Clubb, and Tom Gross as they share their impressions of The Mandalorian panel, The Clone Wars panel, and give some behind the...
Smash Bros. Ultimate 3.0 Update Adds Stage-Builder, Video Editor, Persona 5 Character, More
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is getting a lot of new content with the 3.0 update, including a stage-builder...
How Smash Bros. Ultimate's New Stage Builder And Video Editor Work
Out of nowhere, Nintendo announced all the key details for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's big Version 3.0 update...