We got hands-on with Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot at E3 earlier this year and generally seemed into the idea, but the minute-to-minute gameplay could get a little repetitive as you’re bopping along as Dragon Ball protagonist Goku through his various adventures. Some different characters might logically be the key to changing that up a little bit, however.
According to Japanese manga magazine V-Jump, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will feature some other playable characters than just Goku. Players will be able to get their hands on the Namekian Piccolo, Goku’s son Gohan, and Goku’s eternal rival Vegeta. Krillin, Tienshinan, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha will all be support characters, which means they’ll fight alongside Goku as party members, but they won’t be playable.
In addition, there will be an original story that focuses on Gohan’s training with Piccolo during the year leading up to the Saiyans’ attack on Earth will be fleshed out within the game. I wonder if we’ll also get a story covering when Vegeta went Super Saiyan, then?
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is scheduled to release in 2020 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
[Source: V-Jump via Gematsu]