“Mummy, I need a small backpack. For when we go shopping and stuff. My school bag is too big”.
What’s a 10-year-old to do, she’s not ready for a handbag but she wants a stylish solution to carry her bits and pieces? Luckily, Loungefly has the solution, in the form of mini faux leather backpacks. Pop In a Box sent us the R2-D2 version, and it is perfect for her needs. The straps are adjustable, the main pocket is spacious enough for a small tablet, a pack of gum, a pashmina, a hair clip and a set of headphones (the current contents!) plus it has two small side pockets and a zipped front pocket suitable for a coin purse, lip balm and so on.
It has Loungefly’s typical quality feel – the detail is appliqued, the zips are metal rather than plastic and the bag is lined with fabric printed with droids inside hearts. The whole effect is luxurious, and perfect for a pre-teen, a teenager or an adult who needs a small backpack. It makes an excellent companion piece to Loungefly’s larger 2-sided tote bag, either for someone who needs both or as a ‘mummy and me’ matched pair.
Thanks to the kind folks at Pop In a Box for supplying this. The Loungefly Star Wars R2-D2 Mini Backpack is £54.99 and available now.
Order these and more Loungefly items from our friends at Pop In A Box.
In case you missed it, see our review of the R2-D2 Patent Dome Bag and R2-D2/BB-8 2 Sided Big Face Tote Bags here.