The Art of Super Mario Odyssey is a 368-page hardcover book filled with concept art, sketches, designs, and marketing material from Nintendo during the game’s development.
Recently, publisher Dark Horse and Nintendo gave Polygon an exclusive look at the English-language version of the art book. They provided four pages, which you can view below or head over to Polygon for the full story by clicking here.
Image credit: Polygon / Dark Horse / Nintendo
The Art of Super Mario Odyssey was first released in Japan back in September 2018. Upon its release, it took the internet by storm after fans found early concept designs for Nintendo’s own version of Bowsette, which didn’t make it into Super Mario Odyssey.
The Art of Super Mario Odyssey is currently available to pre-order at several retailers (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, TFAW) for $49.99 and releases on October 22.