ANOVOS take a look at what makes Rey’s costume so special.
“It’s just a bunch of rags sort of wrapped around her. I mean, I get wanting to dress up like the main character but it’s not like Rey’s costume is all that interesting.”
Honestly, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor before I could even respond to my friend after hearing that comment. I mean, I’m a film geek first, sure, but I’m a costume geek second, and I don’t know if I’d ever heard an opinion about a costume just so totally different from my own. And, about my girl Rey? I just couldn’t believe it. Call me obsessed, but I launched into a rant about the virtue of our dear scavenger’s ensemble before my friend could finish off the rest of their blue milk.
Let’s talk about the brilliance of Rey’s original design from The Force Awakens. When you first laid eyes on her in the earliest scenes of the movie, did anything come to mind? The sandy landscapes of Jakku brought back memories of another dusty planet, certainly, but the gauzy wrappings of beige and off-white must have reminded you of someone. Of course it did. Luke.
Now, love them or hate them, I think we can all agree that the newest films are undoubtedly a kind of remix of the original trilogy. Personally, I think that’s a great thing. At the end of the day everything is just a remix with a little splash of something new. Done right, you’ve got a nice little homage. And Rey’s outfit is definitely just that, an homage to someone we already know and love with a potent visual cue we’re already familiar with. But I think the references go even deeper than that.
Read more at the link below.