A LinkedIn listing today has revealed a new Pokémon project in the works. The Pokémon Company, the all-seeing eye of Pokémon creation, has put up a job listing for a principal game designer for an unnamed Pokémon mobile project in Washington, sparking speculation of what it could be.

The listing specifically makes mention of wanting someone with experience in Unity, which none of the other Pokémon mobile titles have used, with the exception of the tablet-only Pokémon Trading Card Game. This might refer to a port for that title to phones, hoping to compete in the burgeoning but lucrative TCG market on smaller devices.

There have already been a few Pokémon mobile titles, like the puzzle game Pokémon Shuffle and of course Pokémon Go. As Go evolves and starts bridging the gap between it and the mainline titles, including adding trainer battles in an update soon, it seems likely that mobile Pokémon games are going to veer toward spinoff territory with different kinds of game mechanics.

What would you want in a Pokémon mobile title?

[Source: LinkedIn]

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