The 8TB Starfield-Inspired Desktop Hard Drive Is Back In Stock For $150 After Selling...

Seagate's Starfield-themed 8TB external hard drive is back in stock for $150 at Best Buy. This deal, which knocks $90 off the...

Walmart Has the Best Nintendo Switch Lite Deal

Walmart is offering the Nintendo Switch Lite (Timmy's and Tommy's Aloha Edition) console for only $159. This is an outstanding deal because this particular bundle also includes a digital copy of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. A standard Nintendo...

The 20 Best Games Of 2024 (So Far)

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You Can Already Preorder Kevin Costner's Massive Western Epic Horizon: An American Saga Chapter...

The first film in actor and director Kevin Costner's epic Western series, Horizon: An American Saga Chapter 1 has only been in...

A Quiet Place: Day One Getting An Exclusive 4K Steelbook Blu-Ray Release

A Quiet Place: Day one has been a big hit at the box office, and if you're looking to bring the sci-fi...

Rivals 2 – Official Orcane Character Gameplay Reveal Trailer

Orcane is back for Rivals 2! The Puddle Jumper returns as the 9th Rival (out of ten) slated for our launch roster. Revealed live on the #evo2024 main stage. Read More

This Streamer Took Out Elden Ring DLC's Toughest Boss With One Attack, Here's How

Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree expansion is arguably the toughest From Software experience so far and it has a monster of...

Terry Bogard Gets a First Look of His Arrival in Street Fighter 6 at...

At EVO 2024, Capcom revealed a first look at Fatal Fury's Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6.Terry was previously revealed as the second DLC fighter of Street Fighter 6's Year 2 and he will be available in World...

Zenless Zone Zero – Zhu Yuan Character Teaser | "NEPS_Finalll_Versionnn.avi"

"So, this is the promo video starring our Best Rookie Officer?" "Waaaah! Stop watching! I'm so jealous you guys in Section 6 don't have to deal with this kind of stuff..." Read More

F1 Manager 2024 Review

I’ll admit that I generally prefer to have direct control in racing games, but the F1 Manager series has made me equally excited to work behind the scenes. Watching a risky overtake pay off from the pit wall...