State Of Gaming Handhelds In 2023
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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth – Official Kazuma Kiryu Character Spotlight Trailer
Two larger-than-life heroes and their allies are brought together by the hand of fate, or perhaps something more sinister as they embark on adventure so big it spans the Pacific.
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How Lies of P Cracked the Souls Genre
While plenty of indie and AAA games come out trying to replicate the magic of Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, and the like, it's difficult to truly harness the magic of Fromsoftware in a Soulslike. Lies of P...
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth – Official Ichiban Kasuga Character Spotlight Trailer
Two larger-than-life heroes and their allies are brought together by the hand of fate, or perhaps something more sinister as they embark on adventure so big it spans the Pacific.
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Genshin Impact | Character Demo – "Navia: Unofficial Operation"
Although the Spina di Rosula operates efficiently, the results achieved are often proportional to the ruckus caused.
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Destiny 2: Season of the Wish | Wish-Keeper Exotic Bow Highlight Trailer
Destiny 2
First Released Sep 6, 2017releasedPCPlayStation 4+ 4 morePlayStation 5StadiaXbox OneXbox Series XHumanity’s last safe city has fallen to an overwhelming invasion force, led by Ghaul,...
Armored Core 6 Fires of Rubicon Ranked Matchmaking Update Trailer
Dominate in ranked online matchmaking and ascend the leaderboard in Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon! Patch 1.05 releases on 12/19!
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Halo Infinite Winter Contingency III Trailer
Halo Infinite's Winter Contingency III Operation runs from December 19 through January 30. Its Operation Pass will feature 20 tiers of free customization rewards, including new armor, new coatings, along with nameplates and emblems.
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Every GameSpot 10/10 Reviewed Game (Up to 2023)
A 10 does not mean a game is perfect, but it does mean that it's a game we believe everyone should experience and play. In our opinion, no game can be considered perfect. That means you could see...
Steam Year In Review 2023 Trailer
In any case...your 2023 Steam Year in Review is officially here! That's right, YOURS. Everyone gets their own look back at the games they played the most, the achievements they unlocked, and all sorts of other fun facts...