MP5: The Most Slapped Gun In Games – Loadout
With the help of Keeper of Firearms & Artillery, Jonathan Ferguson, we’ve come to the Royal Armouries museum in the UK to take a deep dive into the MP5, the origin of its popularity, the weapon’s place in...
The Hardest In-Game Decision Of 2023
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Firearms Expert’s MOST CURSED Weapons Of 2023
Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down some of the most cursed weapons of 2022, including the Budget Arms from Cyberpunk 2077, the horrifying Finger Gun from Remnant...
How Baldur's Gate 3 Stole A Zelda Expert's Heart
With 5500 plus hours in Breath of the Wild, 500 plus hours in Tears of the Kingdom, 30 million plus views in Zelda content, and the grandfather of Breath of the Wild advanced combat, you would think this...
How Alan Wake II Made Me Face My Fear of Horror Games
Alan Wake II is a horror game through and through, and, more importantly—to me, at least—it’s the first horror game I’ve ever been interested in playing. But why? What was it about Alan Wake that made me Alan...
Resident Evil 4 Is A Perfect Remake
Resident Evil 4' is one of the most beloved in the series and influential games of all time. And in 2023, a year brimming with excellent remakes and remasters, the reimagined version of the 2005 classic stands out...
Tears Of The Kingdom Is A Technological Marvel
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was one of the five releases we gave a 10/10 in 2023. It showcased a potential that stems from a deeply intimate familiarity with a game engine that can...
GameSpot's Top 10 Games of 2023
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Thompson: The Pop Culture Icon’s Strange Legacy – Loadout
Is it a Chicago Typewriter or a GI Trench Sweeper? From Call of Duty and Battlefield to Mafia and Resident Evil 4, these are the two flavors of the Tommy Gun that we’re used to seeing in our...
TEKKEN 8 – Official Shaheen Gameplay Reveal Trailer
The Desert Falcon is ready to ruffle some feathers. Shaheen seeks revenge in #TEKKEN8!
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