Friday, March 14, 2025



Drill Team Alumni Reacts to (and Performs) Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Junon Parade

On this episode of Expert Reacts we bring in former GameSpot senior editor Michael Higham. Not only has he reviewed Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth for IGN, but he is also a high school ROTC drill team alumni....

MAR10 Day 2024 News and Updates

To celebrate Mario Day, please take a look at this video for the latest news about Mario. We learn more about the new upcoming Mario Animated film coming out April 3, 2026. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year...

Sea of Thieves – Official PS5 Pre-Order Trailer

Sea of Thieves is now available to pre-order on PlayStation 5, with three editions available offering a range of in-game cosmetics and bonus digital content. Plus, pirates who pre-order will also get exclusive weapons, a pet and...

Unicorn Overlord — Official Launch Trailer

Fly your crest 'cross the banner of the Liberation. 🚩 Play Unicorn Overlord NOW on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox Series X|S! Liberate Your Kingdom, Reclaim Your Destiny. Read More

Firearms Expert Reacts to Helldivers 2's Guns PART 2

Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down more of the weaponry of Helldivers 2, including the SG-225 Breaker, the Railgun Stratagem (in safe and unsafe mode), and even...

Warner Bros Doubles Down On Live Service Games | Spot On

Warner Bros Discovery games boss JB Perrette has said that the company is adjusting its strategy amidst the 'volatile' console gaming space by releasing more live service, mobile, and free-to-play games. On this week's episode of Spot On,...

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth: Ending Explained…ish (Spoilers)

The end of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was...well it sure was something! Between the multiple universes, extended boss fights and the dubious fate of one of the game's major characters, many a player walked away from this game...

Alone in the Dark | The Dark Road to Derceto (Greenband Trailer)

Derceto is inevitable for those that dig up the past.Embark on a harrowing journey through Alone in the Dark, where Jodie Comer and David Harbour's haunting performances infuse the upcoming horror game with gripping emotion.Experience this new nightmare...

The Biggest Changes In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

At the end of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Square Enix made it perfectly clear that whatever lay in store for our band of adventures would be significantly different from the original game. Now that we finally have our...

Cataclismo | Official Release Date Trailer

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