Thursday, September 19, 2024



Funko Fusion – Official Launch Trailer

Relive memorable moments from your favorite movies, TV shows, comics, and more in an authentic new action adventure game made by fans, for fans.Battle foes and solve puzzles in colorful and expansive worlds that are rich with personality...

Potionomics: Masterwork Edition – Potionomics 101 Gameplay Trailer

Potionomics: Masterwork Edition will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S on October 22, 2024!The art of Potionomics begins with perfecting your potion-brewing craft and building your deck of haggling cards to help you...

The Complete ELDEN RING Timeline Explained!

Elden Ring is filled to the brim with rich and detailed lore created by the minds of Hidetaka Miyazaki, George RR Martin, and the team at FromSoftware. However, like most of FromSoftware’s recent games, the story and lore...

Every Armor Cosmetic In Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 features a lot of ways to customize your loyalist Astartes or Heretic Chaos Space Marines. In the 41st Millennium there is only fashion, so here is every piece of armor available in...

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine Story Recap

A lot can change in a decade and if you played 2011’s Warhammer 40K: Space Marine at launch, it has been OVER a decade since you first experienced the game’s narrative… unless you’ve replayed it recently of course.However,...

Crimson Desert – 50 Minutes Of Early Gameplay

(This video contains actual in-game footage. As a work-in-progress, the content is subject to change.) * This gameplay video consists of different parts of Crimson Desert’s early gameplay and has been edited to help viewers’ understanding.What is Crimson...

Essential Lore You Need To Know Before Space Marine 2

A lot can happen in the universe of Warhammer 40,000 over the course of 2 centuries. The destruction of Cadia, the return of Primarch Robute Guilliman, a new era of Primaris Space Marines, and so much more.But, whether...

PS5 – Welcome Hub Customization Update Trailer

Your Welcome hub, set up just how you like it Get even more control of your PlayStation®5 console experience. Change the background of your Welcome hub and customize it with widgets you can view at a...


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Frostpunk 2 | Official Game Intro Cinematic Trailer

After 30 years of enduring the relentless whiteouts, the crumbling British Empire still clings to survival. But as the Captain’s final breath leaves his body, he realizes that mere survival is no longer enough in the current...