Sunday, September 8, 2024



A Bittersweet Goodbye: The Umbrella Academy Cast Reflects on the Series Finale

The Umbrella Academy cast chats about the series finale, sharing their reactions to the emotional ending and what it was like to wrap up their journey together. Read More

The First Descendant – First Update Overview Trailer | New Descendants and A Boss

First Update Alert! Meet the new Descendants, Luna and Ultimate Valby, and challenge the new boss, Gluttony. Don’t miss out on the action-packed looter shooter fun! Read More

Honkai: Star Rail — "Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace" | Myriad Celestia Trailer

It is said that wherever Molten Remains exist, there are occasional strong sparks of flame mixed with quiet echoes of wailing desolation. "No one will respond to you even if you scream yourself hoarse, cursed sword." "Yourself...

Marvel Rivals | Peni Parker – 'SP//dr Pilot' Character Gameplay Reveal Trailer

It's tough for high schoolers, even those from the far future, especially when it's up to them and their arachnid allies to save multiple worlds from collapse! Right at home in the world of Tokyo 2099, SP//dr...

Monster Hunter Wilds – Official Hunting Horn Weapon Gameplay Overview Trailer

⚔️ Hunting Horn ⚔️ Buffs, bonks and playing the song of your hunting party on a monster's head, this is the updated Hunting Horn! Read More

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 – Official Rocksteady Gameplay Spotlight Trailer

Equipped with his awesome arsenel, Rocksteady from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles joins Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2! This pack features: • Playable brawler Rocksteady • Alternate Rocksteady costumes Read More

Firearms Expert Reacts to Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon’s Guns

Jonathan Ferguson, a weapons expert and Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries, breaks down the guns from Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, including the Spas-12 inspired Haldeman shotgun, the Sweet Sixteen, and the Pile...

Funko Fusion Story Trailer

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BLEACH Rebirth of Souls — Byakuya Kuchiki Character Gameplay Overview Trailer

A tactician who adapts his fighting style depending on the situation. Read More