Monday, March 24, 2025



Steam Deck OLED First Look

Valve just dropped the brand new Steam Deck OLED and Tamoor and Jean-Luc are gonna unbox it and take a look. Read More

Introducing Steam Deck OLED – November 16

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Game Reveals Are Getting Frustrating | Spot On

Video games have a well-established marketing cycle; a key part is releasing a teaser. The process for this can often be quite involved, with some publishers creating a breadcrumb trail of clues and mysteries to solve before eventually...

Mortal Kombat 1 Omni-Man's Fatal Blow, Fatalities, and Brutalities So Far | Max Level...

Get a glimpse of Omni-Man's Fatal Blow, his fatalities and all the brutalities we've gotten so far. Read More

Dark and Darker Mobile – Reveal Trailer

If you visit the G-Star Krafton booth, you can be the first to experience new, unreleased works and participate in various events and programs. - 다크앤다커 모바일 ‘Dark and Darker Mobile’, a strategic project being developed...

Fortnite Chapter 4: Season OG – Darkness Rises in Loot Lake

Fortnite First Released Dec 31, 2015releasedAndroidiOS (iPhone/iPad)+ 6 moreNintendo SwitchPCPlayStation 4PlayStation 5Xbox OneXbox Series XIn Fortnite, players and their friends lead a group of Heroes to reclaim...

Like a Dragon Gaiden | Official Launch Trailer

Like a Dragon Gaiden | Launch Trailer Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is available NOW! Under the codename “Joryu”, embark on a gripping action narrative with bone-shattering combat in vibrant...

Diablo 4 | Those Were Not Stories | Grandmother

It was not only your abuelo that fought those diabolical creatures, abuela did too! This is no story, it’s a warning: Those creatures are still out there, watching, waiting for their opportunity to attack. But...

Genshin Impact | Collected Miscellany – "Furina: Reflection in the Mirror"

To connect with their audience, an actor must begin by immersing themselves in their role. This requires not only a unique talent, but also tireless practice — to the point that when they look in the mirror,...

Alone in the Dark | Looking For Jeremy Gameplay Trailer

After receiving a mysterious letter, Emily and Private Investigator Edward are arriving at the Derceto Manor to uncover unexplainable happenings and to find Jeremy! Who can you trust, what will you believe, and what will you do...