Alessandro Fillari's Most Anticipated Game Of 2019: Devil May Cry 5
Ever since its reveal back at E3 2018, Devil May Cry 5 has continually impressed me with every...
Tony Wilson's Most Anticipated Game of 2019: Kingdom Hearts 3
With 2019 right around the corner, we've polled GameSpot's staff to find out what games they are looking...
Natalie Portman Discusses the Padme Amidala in Episode IX Rumour
Its been almost 14 years since Natalie Portman portrayed Padme Amidala in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. With Episode IX in production, rumours are rife that Portman will reprise her role as Amidala in the final part...
Geoff Johns And Aquaman's Screenwriters Explain Why The Movie's So Insane
Aquaman is one of the craziest movies we've ever seen. It's filled with giant underwater space battles, secret...
Spider-Man PS4's Silver Lining DLC Is A Cloudy Send-Off For Spidey
A lot of video game stories stumble when it comes to endings, often because the preoccupation to set...
Is Bumblebee A Transformers Reboot? Timeline And Ending Explained
While Bumblebee may not have a proper post credits sequence, it does tack on an extra little bit...
PlayStation Store's Huge EU January Sale Discounts Hundreds Of PS4 Games
If you thought Christmas seemed to get earlier every year, how about this: Sony has kicked off its...
Telltale's The Walking Dead Final Season Becomes Epic Store Exclusive
Skybound Games has announced that the final two episodes of the PC version of Telltale's The Walking Dead:...
Free Steam PC Game For A Limited Time: Lego The Lord Of The Rings
Sure, you could peruse the Steam Winter Sale for big discounts on PC games. Or you could hop...
Charles Soule Interviewed By Kristin Baver For
Darth Vader #25 is probably the most anticipated Star Wars comic from Marvel this year and no doubt it will be talked about a lot in the coming months.
Kristin Baver over at has spoken at length with...