Last Edited: July 30, 2019 at 6:41 AM
In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, each class that you can become has its own experience bar – separate from unit experience to gain levels, or skill experience to increase your skills.
Each time you attack, are attacked, or heal, the character will gain 2 Class XP, which can be seen at the bottom of the combat results. It can also be tracked when viewing a unit by looking for sprite of the unit’s class among the skill bars – or it can be seen when re-classing a unit.
If you are able to completely fill the Class experience bar, you will gain mastery of the class, and unlock a unique Ability or Combat Art that can then be equipped regardless of if that character re-classes to something else. Sometimes the ability may be otherwise tied to the class, or benefits the character when using similar class types.
For this reason, it can be worth it to stick with a class even when you have new classes that can be attained through certification, but the process will take more time the higher tier of classes, and the more experience will be required.
Note that due to the slow rate of mastery, you can assign a character as an Adjutant – and they will earn class experience when fighting alongside the main character. If on Normal Mode, you can also grind Class Mastery by playing Auxiliary Battles that do not use up Battle Activity Points.
For a list of Class Mastery Unlockables, see the list below:
For each of the Starting Classes, 20 XP is required to attain Class Mastery.
Class Name | Mastery Unlock | Description |
Commoner | HP +4 Ability | Raises max health points by 4. |
Noble | HP +4 Ability | Raises max health points by 4. |
For each of the Beginner Classes, 60 XP is required to attain Class Mastery.
Class Name | Mastery Unlock | Description |
Myrmidon | Speed +3 Ability | Raises unit’s Speed by 3. |
Swap Combat Art | Unit swaps positions with an adjacent ally. | |
Soldier | Defense +2 Ability | Raises unit’s Defense by 2 |
Reposition Combat Art | Adjacent ally is moved to the opposite side of the unit. | |
Fighter | Strength +2 Ability | Raises unit’s Strength by 2. |
Shove Combat Art | Unit pushes an adjacent ally forward one space. | |
Monk | Magic +2 Ability | Raises unit’s Magic by 2. |
Draw Back Combat Art | Unit moves one space away from an adjacent ally and pulls the ally along. |
For each of the Intermediate Classes, 100 XP is required to attain Class Mastery.
Class Name | Mastery Unlock | Description |
Mercenary | Vantage Ability | When foe initiates combat, unit still attacks first if less than 50% HP. |
Thief | Steal Ability | Allows unit to steal a non-weapon item from a foe with lower Speed. |
Armored Knight | Armored Blow Ability | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 Def during combat. |
Cavalier | Desperation Ability | If unit initiates combat with HP equal or less than 50%, unit’s follow-up attack occurs before foe’s counterattack. |
Brigand | Death Blow Ability | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 Str during combat. |
Archer | Hit +20 Ability | Increases Hit rate by 20. |
Brawler | Unarmed Combat Ability | Allows unit to attack when no weapons are equipped. |
Mage | Fiendish Blow Ability | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 Mag during combat. |
Dark Mage | Poison Strike Ability | If unit initiates combat, hit will cause foe lose up to 20% of max HP after combat. |
Priest | Miracle Ability | Luck% Chance to survive lethal damage with 1 HP if HP is above 1 |
Pegasus Knight | Darting Blow Ability | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 AS during combat. |
Triangle Attack Combat Art | Combat Art that deals +8 Mt, +30 Hit, +40 Crit, can only be activated when 3 allied units (including user) are adjacent to an enemy. |
For each of the Advanced Classes, 150 XP is required to attain Class Mastery.
Class Name | Mastery Unlock | Description |
Hero | Defiant Strength Ability | Grants +8 Str when HP is less than 25%. |
Swordsmaster | Astra Combat Art | A Sword Combat Art that attacks 5 times at 30% Mt. (Swordsmaster Exclusive) |
Assassin | Lethality Ability | (Dex x 0.25)% Chance to instantly kill a foe when damage is dealt. |
Assassinate Combat Art | A Combat Art that grants +15 Hit and +15 Avo, and can kill enemies instantly. (Assassin Exclusive) | |
Fortress Knight | Pavise Ability | Dex% chance to reduce sword / lance / axe / brawling damage by half. |
Paladin | Aegis Ability | Dex% chance to reduce bow / magic damage by half. |
Wyvern Rider | Seal Defense Ability | If unit damages foe during combat, they suffer -6 Def for 1 turn. |
Warrior | Wrath Ability | If foe initiates combat when unit’s HP is 50% or less, grants +50 Crit. |
Sniper | Hunter’s Volley Combat Art | A Bow Combat Art that adds +1 Mt, +15 Hit, +10 Crit, and strikes twice. (Sniper Exclusive) |
Grappler | Tomebreaker Ability | Grants Hit / Avo +20 when using brawling against magic users. |
Fierce Iron First Combat Art | A Brawling Combat Art that grants +1 Mt, +10 Hit, +10 Crit and strikes 3 times. (Grappler Exclusive) | |
Warlock | Bowbreaker Ability | Grants Hit / Avo +20 when using magic against bow users. |
Bishop | Renewal Ability | Unit recovers up to 20% of max HP at the start of each turn. |
Dark Bishop |
For each of the Master Classes, 200 XP is required to attain Class Mastery.
Class Name | Mastery Unlock | Description |
Falcon Knight | Defiant Avo Ability | Grants +30 Avo when HP is equal to or below 25%. |
Wyvern Lord | Defiant Crit Ability | Grants +50 Crit when HP is equal to or below 25%. |
Mortal Savant | Warding Blow Ability | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 Res during combat. |
Great Knight | Defiant Def Ability | Grants +6 Def when HP is equal to or below 25% |
Bow Knight | Defiant Spd Ability | Grants +6 Speed when HP is equal to or below 25%. |
Dark Knight | Seal Resistance Ability | If unit damages foe during combat, they suffer -6 Res for 1 turn after combat. |
Holy Knight | Defiant Res Ability | Grants +8 Res when HP is equal to or below 25%. |
War Master | Quick Riposte Ability | If foe initiate’s combat while unit’s HP is 50% or more, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack. |
War Master’s Strike Combat Art | Axe Combat Art that grants +3 Mt, +30 Hit, and is effective against all enemy types. | |
Gremory | Defiant Mag Ability | Grants +8 Mag when HP is equal to or below 25%. |
Depending on the Unique Class, different amounts of XP is needed to attain Class Mastery.
Class Name | XP to Mastery | Mastery Unlock | Description |
Lord | 100 | Resistance +2 Ability | Raises unit’s Resistance by 2. |
Subdue Combat Art | Sword Combat Art that leaves the enemy with 1 HP. | ||
Dancer | 100 | Special Dance Ability | When using Dance, grants +4 Dex / Spd / Lck to target ally. |
Enlightened One | 100 | Sacred Power Ability | Adjacent allies deal 3 extra damage and take 3 less damage during combat. |
High Lord | 150 | Pomp and Circumstance Ability | Raises unit’s Luck and Charm by 4. |
Armored Lord | 150 | ||
Wyvern Master | 150 | ||
Great Lord | 200 | Paraselene Combat Art | A Lance Combat Art that grants +10 Mt, +10 Avo, and moves the unit back one space after attacking. (Exclusive to Great Lord) |
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