
No Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6, but Doom Eternal and Deathloop!

We knew there would be no Elder Scrolls 6 or Starfield at Bethesda’s E3 2019 press conference, but Bethesda still had plenty to show off, including exciting Doom Eternal details and a few brand new games.

Below you’ll find a roundup of all the major news, trailers, and gameplay from Bethesda’s E3 2019 press conference.

Doom Eternal Release Date, Multiplayer Details, and Collector’s Edition Revealed

Doom Eternal is coming November 22. Its multiplayer Battlemode is a 2-vs-1 face-off between two player-controlled demons and one slayer.

It’s also getting a collector’s edition which includes a real helmet.

Read IGN’s hands-on preview with Doom Eternal.

Dishonored Developer Announces New Game, Deathloop

Arkane’s new game is called Deathloop, a first-person action game about the “eternal struggle” between two rival assassins stuck in a vicious looping cycle.

Fallout 76 Battle Royale Mode Revealed

In addition to new details on Fallout 76’s Wastelanders update, which will be the largest Fallout 76 update to date, Bethesda also announced Fallout 76: Nuclear Winter, a 52-player battle royale mode that is free to all Fallout 76 players.

Fallout 76 is free for a week starting Monday, June 10. During the free trial, players will also be able to play Nuclear Winter.

The Evil Within Developer’s New Game, GhostWire: Tokyo, Announced

GhostWire: Tokyo is the new game from Tango Gameworks. It’s a paranormal action-adventure game set in Tokyo, where people are disappearing for unknown reasons. Creative director Ikumi Nakamura hinted that players will encounter “conspiracies and the occult.”

Elder Scrolls Blades Heads to Switch

Elder Scrolls Blades is coming to Switch this fall. It will be free and allow players to transfer saves from the mobile version. Bethesda also detailed a new Blades update.

New Commander Keen Game Coming to Mobile

A new Commander Keen game is headed to iOS and Android. It will soft launch for free this summer. The game puts you in control of Billy and Billie, twin children of the original Commander Keen.

Watch more new trailers from Bethesda’s E3 2019 Conference:

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