Sonic doesn’t look great. So what?
This morning the internet was greeted with the first official look at the Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer – a real film where a human policeman befriends a near-nude talking CG animal who runs quickly – and unsurprisingly, the reaction was overwhelmingly negative. The events of today had been foretold for months now, as leaked promotional images, posters, and press kits, along with deliberately planned interviews and behind closed doors media events had already led the world to fear the worst: another bad video game movie had arrived. With our fears confirmed, we did what we always do on social media. We cracked our knuckles, hunched over our beer guts, and started pecking away at our phones and keyboards to tear this thing a new a$$hole.
“I hate his human teeth”
“I hate his weird hairy legs”
“This movie looks like trash”
“Thanks I hate it”
“Who is Coolio?”
Fearing I’d be forgotten in this critical mob beatdown/collective zeitgeist pile-on moment, I did my part to let the world know that I too did not like the thing everybody else didn’t like. I screencapped some stills from the trailer. fired up Photoshop, and started to plan my attack.
“The human teeth thing feels too easy. Everyone is doing it. Let’s work for this one a bit. Well, there’s a scene where the guy who played Cyclops in X-Men finds a glowing blue hair and looks horrified. Should I say it’s one of Sonic’s pubes? Nah, that feels kind of gross. This is a kid’s movie. Don’t talk about the blue animal’s pubic hair. You’re a dad now. Oh! I know! There’s another scene where Sonic is being bombarded with missiles! I’ll Photoshop the “Rotten Tomato” splat on them, along with some thumbs-down icons and some “one out of five stars” ratings so it looks like Sonic is being pummeled with negative reviews, just like he will when the movie comes out! Nailed it!”
I exported the image and uploaded it to Twitter with the generation-spanning caption “tfw the reviews drop” (how hip of me!) and clicked the send Tweet button and waited for those sweet likes and retweets to roll in.
And then hit it me: that felt f*cking gross. Why did I even do that? What did I even gain from amplifying such a miserably negative take for thousands of people to see? I don’t want to be known for that. I probably won’t even see this movie. I don’t even care if this thing is good or bad. At best I’ll be on a cross country flight a year from now and I’ll see most of it out of the corner of my eye on somebody else’s screen. I liked some Sonic games when I was a kid, but why does it matter if his first live action movie looks weird or stupid? It’s not even for me. I’m in my thirties. I’m tired constantly. I spent the last thirty minutes at my Endgame screening thinking about when I could go to the bathroom. What am I gaining from trashing this kid’s movie anyway?
Being critical of things is good. Analyzing why things work or don’t work is necessary with all types of art. Calling out things that are problematic and confronting things that are reprehensible with deliberation and nuance is an important part of what defines us as humans. On the flip side, being mean just for the sake of it feels cheap and easy. Everybody should be allowed to dump a point or two into their own “dickhead skill tree.” Maxing it out feels as dirty and obnoxious as the rewards it yields.
As a kid, I frequently dragged my patient, loving parents to some truly terrible films, fairly regularly. Just total wet dreck. Stuff like the third live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie where they pretend to go to Japan, the live action Double Dragon movie where they fight a man who looks like a giant turd, and the third Neverending Story movie where Jack Black plays a bully from a gang called “The Nasties.” Just deeply, truly bad films that I probably clapped and cheered for before begging my dad to take me to Toys R Us or Pizza Hut where I could swoop up every cheap collectible promotional toy and souvenir cup. I didn’t read reviews for these movies because I didn’t read movie reviews when I was a kid. Reviews are generally written by adults. Children don’t care about what reviews say, they care about what other children say. Children think adults are basically an alien species. They also think teenagers are terrifying super-children with cigarettes and cars. Everybody knows this.
Kids flock to potentially engaging experiences based on how cool, fun, and interesting they look, not what the Tomatoteer or Metacritic aggregate tells them. When it’s a movie based on something they already enjoy, like a video game franchise or toy line, they want it to evoke the same bright, colorful and energetic feeling that they’re already connected to. In a litany of ways, the Sonic the Hedgehog movie is already doing that. And yes, of course there are better kid’s movies out there at any given moment. In 1993 – the same year I dragged my dad to take me to see Ninja Turtles 3 – we also watched The Sandlot, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Rookie of the Year. But you know what? I still enjoyed Ninja Turtles 3 along with the rest, even if a voice in the back of my head was telling me it wasn’t as good as the first two.
If I was a kid in the parking lot of a movie theater on my way to see Ninja Turtles 3 (which, like live-action Sonic, is another movie where the talking animal men were nearly nude and inexplicably had human teeth) and you showed me a video of a nearly forty-year-old man photoshopping “thumbs down” icons all over the film’s poster in an apartment, lit only by the sad blue glow of his own laptop, I would’ve thought it was the creepiest, saddest thing in the world. It wouldn’t have made me want to see the movie less. It would have made me terrified of the man I might become one day. A man who couldn’t see that stupid, harmless, trivial things can still bring joy to the kids who are looking for them. A man who thought that hating something that wasn’t for him was a better use of his time than celebrating something else that was. And today, much to the chagrin of the bad-but-fun movie-loving kid I once was, I became that man.
Will this movie be “good” in the traditional critical sense? Probably not. Will it satiate the cinematic needs of nearly three decades of Sonic fans, all of whom will be approaching the film with completely different expectations? Definitely not. Will most of us (including me) continue to collectively trash things we don’t like when we feel like it? Of course. It’s easy and feels good in the moment. But it’s also important to remind ourselves from time to time that everything on earth doesn’t specifically need to be designed for everyone, bad things can be enjoyable, and most kids are having too much fun to tell the difference anyway.
Oh, and speaking of 1993, that was also the same year we got the Super Mario Bros. movie, in case you’re a Nintendo fan (like I am) currently gloating at how great the Detective Pikachu movie looks compared to Sonic the Hedgehog. We all have to start somewhere.
Brian Altano is a host and producer at IGN. Go follow him on Twitter, if you’d like. For the record, he knows who Coolio is. Gangsta’s Paradise was his jam when that song first dropped, son.