This page catalogs all of the content updates for Red Dead Online, beginning with the November 2018 public beta.

February 26, 2019: Daily Challenges & Bounty Updates[edit]

Today’s update marks the beginning of a more consistent update cycle for the Red Dead Online beta. You can check out the full patch notes for update 1.06, but the most important inclusions are:

  • Daily Challenges
    Complete rotating objectives to earn bonus cash, gold XP. For example, today’s inaugural Daily Challenges include:
    – Kill 5 players with a Double-Barreled Shotgun
    – Join 1 Gun Rush team
    – Kill 3 players from a moving train
    – Change your hairstyle once.
  • New Weapon: Rare Shotgun
    An ornately-decorated double-barreled shotgun. Found in the Catalogue under Unique Weapons.
  • Bounties and Bounty Hunters: Criminal activity now results in a cash-value bounty being placed on your head. If you manage to earn a significant bounty, NPC bounty hunters will begin tracking and ambushing you.
  • New Emotes: 12 new emotes have been added in the following styles:
    – Dramatic Actions
    – Greetings and Receptions
    -Emotional Reactions
    -Taunts and Jeers
  • New Clothing Items: Hundreds of new clothing items for male and female avatars have been/are being added to in-game stores. New hats, coats, vests, shirts, pants, and accessories have all been added. Some are marked with a “Coming Soon” tag and are currently unavailable for purchase.
  • Player Blips: Player map markers now only appear if you are within close proximity, and fade to invisibility as you get farther away. Players who are behaving dishonorably (committing crimes, killing NPCs and other players, etc) will have darker map icons (similar to GTA Online’s Mental State function) and will appear on your maps at greater distances.
  • Parlay & Feud Update: The multi-kill restriction placed on the parlay/feud functions have been reduced to a single kill.
  • Weapon Tweaks: Rockstar has slightly reduced the range at which headshots deal critical damage for all weapons. It has also increased damage done by the Carcano and Rolling Bock Rifles, as well as the damage done to limb and body shots with the Varmint Rifle. Arrow trails are now more visible.
  • Dead Eye Skill Tweaks: No DeadEye cards except Paint it Black allow for perfect accuracy anymore. Individual card updates can be found in the full patch notes.

December 14, 2018: More Player Gifts and Fixes[edit]

Released as RDR2 Title Update 1.05, this update fixed connection and crashing issues in Red Dead Online and RDR2’s Story Mode. It came alongside news that Rockstar would be gifting RDO beta participants an additional 15 Gold Bars (on top of the 15 they may have received from the previous update), and select players who pre-ordered various versions of the game would also be receiving a cash bonus as well. The in-game cash gifts will be split over the following tiers:

  • Special Edition: $100
  • Ultimate Edition:1,000
  • Any pre-order: $100 (stacks for Ultimate/Special Edition owners)

Full patch notes from Rockstar can be found on the Patches and Updates page.

December 06, 2018: Economy Re-Balance[edit]

Contained within Title Update 1.04 for Red Dead Redemption 2, this update includes several changes “specifically geared towards creating a more balanced, fun and rewarding overall experience, across all modes and missions.

Changes include:

  • Increasing the cash and gold payments across a number of different activities including Free Roam Missions, Free Roam Events, replays of A Land of Opportunities Missions, Showdown Series modes and more.
  • Reducing the prices of most weapons in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co Catalogue and Gunsmiths. For players that have already purchased weapons at the previous prices, we will automatically deposit the difference to player balances starting today – please look for an alert message the next time you log in to the Red Dead Online Beta to notify you of this change, refunds may take up until December 10th to reach all players.
  • Balancing the values of select pelts, skins and fish as well as horse reviver and pamphlets.

As an added bonus, all Red Dead Online Beta participants who logged in before the patch will receive a gift of RDO$250 and 15 Gold Bars. Gifts should start arriving and hit all eligible players by Friday, December 14th.

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