After hours and hours of exploring three separate maps in Avowed, you finally arrive at Galawain’s Tusks in search of the mythical Garden. Galawain’s Tusks is certainly the least aesthetically pleasing map in the game, as the lava from Mt. Forja and Solace Keep along with the acid sea have turned the entire region a red, greyish color. Still, Galawain’s Tusks is by far the largest map in Avowed and there’s a ton to see and do as soon as you arrive.
Opening up your map for the first time in Galawain’s Tusks can be a little overwhelming, as the size of the region is unlike anything you’ve seen up to this point. Fortunately for you, we spent hours combing through the entire map to fully uncover all of the fog on it. You can see the uncovered Galawain’s Tusks map along with some points of interest in the guide below so you have a much better idea of where you’re going.
Full Galawain’s Tusks Map in Avowed
There are technically three different parts to Galawain’s Tusks and there’s very little that gets in your way of exploring the whole map. While there are certainly mountains, bridges, and towers surrounding every part of the map, you can fully explore all of it. Here are the major locations you’ll come across in Galawain’s Tusks:
- The Sallow Steppe
- Slumbering Fields
- Twinedwood
- Solace Keep
- Primordial Depths
- Ash Forest
- Mt. Forja
Mt. Forja is the only location in Galawain’s Tusks that isn’t immediately accessible when you arrive. Part of that area can only be explored as a part of the main story quest in Avowed. However, the rest of the map is fair game and takes hours to explore.
Here are two images that showcase the fully uncovered Galawain’s Tusks map:

As you continue in the main story, more areas will open up to you. For the most part, though, these are areas that you wouldn’t know existed until you were guided there by the story quests.
Galawain’s Tusks Key Points of Interest
With Galawain’s Tusks being such a large area, it should come as no surprise that there are plenty of fast travel beacons and party camp waystones scattered around the map. In total, Galawain’s Tusks has nine fast travel beacons and only three party camp waystones. Interestingly enough, there is no fast travel beacon inside the main hub city of Solace Keep. To get there, you have to fast travel to the beacon just outside of the drawbridge and then run there. It’s also worth noting that some fast travel beacons don’t become usable until you reach certain points in the story.
Here’s a list of some other major points of interest in Galawain’s Tusks:
Strangled Adra
- Located south of The Sallow Steppe and directly east of where you start in Galawain’s Tusks
The Voice
- Found near the Restless Cavern in the southwestern part of Slumbering Fields. You have to climb to the top of a cliff to reach it. Slumbering Fields itself is accessible via a bridge that goes over the lava river
Pargrun Cache
- The Pargrun Cache in Galawain’s Tusks offers some sweet rewards and also holds two of the Totem of Perseverance pieces. You can reach the Pargrun Cache through the Lost Village, which is located north of Solace Keep at the top part of the map
Treasure Maps
Mapping the Living Lands Cartographer
And there you have it, the entire Galawain’s Tusks map laid out for you in Avowed. It certainly takes some time and effort to fully explore the region, but the payoff is worth it.
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