Head on over to Entertainment Weekly for an interview Tim Leong recently conducted with Dave Filoni during which they speak about The Clone Wars Season 7 and the first two episodes of the final season centering around the Bad Batch. Filoni touches on returning to this fan-favorite section of the Star Wars timeline, how the finished Bad Batch episodes have changed from their earlier story reel iterations, the amazing work Dee Bradley Baker puts forth in creating the unique styles of each and every clone trooper, and more.
It’s been a long journey in a galaxy far, far away, but Star Wars: The Clone Wars is finally back. After its unexpected cancellation in 2013, fans had a new hope for the revered series. At Star Wars Celebration in 2015, audience members got to see rough animations (story reels) of a few unfinished episodes, including a plot focusing on imperfect clone soldiers called the Bad Batch. Those episodes make up the first arc of the seventh and final season, which debuted Feb. 21 on Disney+. After the premiere of the first two episodes, EW spoke with Clone Wars and The Mandalorian executive producer Dave Filoni about bringing back the series — and a fallen friend.