Developer Digital Continue has announced SuperMash, a new game where players decide two genres to mash up for an all-new experience. The developer claims that no person will play the same game (or Mash, as they’re called in SuperMash) twice.

At launch, players can choose between six classic video game styles: Shoot ’em Up, Stealth, Platformer, JRPG, Action-Adventure, and Metrovania. Doing this, you can create a stealth rescue mission starring a platform-style hero, or plug a JRPG boss in the middle of an top-down action-adventure style game. While the choices are limited to those six at launch, the developer promises more game styles to arrive in 2020.
In addition, you can add Dev Cards to your Mashes, which further modify the experience. Using these, you can modify the Mash with things like increased enemy speed, specific enemies, or even certain music you’ve unlocked. Based on your choices, SuperMash even names the game it creates, and provides you with a unique code for each Mash so if you create something worth replaying or sharing, you can easily do so. You can also play through a story campaign where they must save a video game store.
SuperMash is available today on PC exclusively via the Epic Games Store for $25, and will arrive on PS4, Xbox One, and Switch in 2020.