Last Edited: August 15, 2019 at 1:27 PM
The Fortnite Worlds Collide Mission Challenges released on August 15, 2019. Below is a Worlds Collide Challenge guide that will help players complete some of the hardest Missions in the set, like using a Rift, visiting a Rift Zone, visiting a memorial to a cube, foraged Mushroom locations and more. Keep reading to find out how to beat all of the Fortnite Worlds Collide Missions.
These Fortnite Challenges will require players to complete two sets of seven challenges to earn some exclusive rewards. Every challenge completed will earn players a new reward. Below is a list of all of the Worlds Collide Mission rewards in Fortnite.
- 10 Battle Stars (1 Challenge)
- 10 Battle Stars (2 Challenges)
- 10 Battle Stars (3 Challenges)
- 5,000 XP (4 Challenges)
- 10 Battle Stars (5 Challenges)
- 10 Battle Stars (6 Challenges)
- Rift Rider Glider (7 Challenges)
- 1,000 XP (8 Challenges)
- 1,000 XP (9 Challenges)
- 1,000 XP (10 Challenges)
- Catalyst Spray (11 Challenges)
- 1,000 XP (12 Challenges)
- 1,000 XP (13 Challenges)
- Catalyst (Snowstorm) Style (14 Challenges)

Here are all of the Fortnite Worlds Collide Mission Challenges:
To complete this challenge players will need to use one Rift.
Finding Rifts has actually become a little difficult, however, there is one main Rift location in Fortnite that is pretty easy to find, and it is located in the center of Loot Lake.
The giant orb acts in the center of Loot Lake acts like a Rift and will work to complete this challenge. However, there are some other Fortnite Rift locations that you can visit, seen on the map above. However, it is important to note that Rifts don’t appear at these locations every match.
To complete this challenge, players will need to visit one Rift Zone.
Rift Zones came to Fortnite at thelaunch of Season 10 (X). They were caused by the Zero Point Explosion and surround certain Named Locations on the map. At the time these challenges released, there were two Rift Zone locations.
Rift Zones can be found at Tilted Town and Retail Row, as you can see in the map above. As you visit either of these locations, you’ll be ‘transported’ to a new version of the location. For example, when you enter the Tilted Rift Zone, you’ll change outfits and will enter Tilted Town.
To complete this challenge, players will need to deal damage 200 damage to opponents at a mountain top Viking Village or Loot Lake.
This challenge is pretty self explanatory, as long as you know the Loot Lake and Viking Village locations in Fortnite. Finding Loot Lake is pretty simple, as it is a Named Location on the map. However, finding the Viking Village location could be a little trickier.
As you can see in the map above, the Viking Village is located just east of Snobby Shores in the icy region. This challenge can be completed at either, or both, of these locations and in any game mode. Actually, this Fortnite Worlds Collide challenge might be a bit easier to complete in Team Rumble, but the choice is yours.
To complete this challenge, players need to visit a memorial to a cube in the desert or by a lake.
You can see the exact memorial to a cube locations on the map below. As you can see, the desert memorial to a cube location is just east of fatal fields while the lake memorial to a cube location is on a small island just off the center of Loot Lake.
You’ll need only need to visit one of the memorial to a cube locations in Fortnite to check off this Worlds Collide Mission from your list. However, one of the Prestige challenges will require you to visit both locations, so you’ll want to keep this guide handy.
To complete this challenge, players will need to eliminate three opponents in the desert.
This challenge is pretty simple in and of itself. The only caveat is that you have to get these eliminations in the desert region. The main desert area you’ll want to focus on is Paradise Palms, as it’s the only Named Location in the desert region. However, any area in sand will work.
To complete this challenge, players will need to consume ten foraged mushrooms.
Mushrooms first appeared in Fortnite in Season 4 as a healing item and have been part of the game ever since. There are a couple of different foraged mushroom locations in Fortnite and they are usually found under trees.
However, perhaps the best location to find foraged mushrooms in Fortnite is in the woods surrounding Lonely Lodge. This is by far the best place to go because there is an abundance of mushrooms in the area. While this isn’t the only mushroom location in Fortnite, it’s among the best.
To complete this challenge, players will need to search five chests in Rift Zones.
As we mentioned above, there are currently two Rift Zone locations in Fortnite (at the time of writing) – Tilted Town and Retail Row. You’ll need to search five chest at either of these locations to complete this Worlds Collide challenge.
Additionally, all five chests don’t all need to be searched in one game, so you can take as much time as you’d like with this challenge.
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