Every year, Games Done Quick holds two events that are like time vampires that suck all your time for the very good cause of charity and still entertain you for a week with live speedruns around the clock. This year’s Summer Games Done Quick just had its full schedule released, so you can start planning how little you’re going to be able to sleep that week now. This year’s schedule includes games like Kingdom Hearts III, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon, and opens strong with Spyro: Reignited Trilogy.
You can check out the full schedule here.
Perhaps most fascinating is the Link to the Past/Super Metroid combo randomizer, which is a randomized mashed together mincemeat pie of both games. Where you might expect to enter the first dungeon in A Link to the Past, you might instead enter Phanto’s lair in Super Metroid, and thus is probably really confusing but compelling for people to watch. I wonder if you save the animals or become the animals.
There’s also a Resident Evil 2 run this year that goes through one scenario, but viewers are going to vote whether it’s a Claire run or a Leon run.
Summer Games Done Quick kicks off June 23 and ends on June 29 with Chrono Trigger run.